BANYANDAH circumnavigates Australia
An Adventure - Guide – Local History
Limited First Edition, colour photos, maps
Banyandah, a home on the water
Back in 1969 when Jack and Judith first came to the sunburnt country of Australia, they found space everywhere with a feeling of ‘she’ll be right’ that encouraged them to not only start a family, but to start construction of a 12 metre sailing yacht.
Three years of really hard work saw Banyandah, meaning "home on the water" come alive. Their two sons were walking by then so they grabbed the dream of sharing nature and adventure with their children before what seemed mandatory school years.
Around the world touching eighty countries
Jason was three, Jerome just two when the Four J’s sailed into the unknown. Miraculously their journey lasted not the one year imagined, but the next fifteen as the Four J’s explored Earth in ever increasing circles.
Grandchildren now
But that was then. Life has moved on. Jack and Jude are grandparents now. Their physical forms have weakened, their confidence tempered, but they've always heard the call of the wild beckoning them to again witness Nature in all her glory.
A planet in peril
The industrial revolution has seen humans increasingly dominate the wild kingdom, upsetting the balance of Nature. And while no one would deny the improvements enjoyed today, Jack and Jude often wonder if man’s severe impact isn't robbing all Earth’s creatures of a better life.
So they began one of the world's greatest adventures - following Flinders wake around Australia. A 9000 nautical mile journey across six climatic zones to explore their adopted homeland; an ancient country, one filled with beauty, yet harsh, remote, and containing mysteries that still baffle the greatest minds.
A good read
Jack and Jude wanted to compare today’s world with what they had seen on previous travels. During their odyssey they posted anecdotes back home. Meant to educate as well as entertain, their stories were peppered with historical notes woven into the adventurous fabric of two grandparents alone, manning a powerful sailing craft through some of the world’s most dangerous waters.
Now they've put those adventures into their first book:
Two's a Crew